Vienna, 17.9. - 20.9.2018

Event Tip: 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting: Ten years life, science & molecules

Scientists working in Austria together with international leaders at the forefronts of their fields will discuss the latest progress on biotechnology, molecular biology, cancer, human disease medical microbiology and immunology.

Austria's highly successful life sciences community will become visible through talks and posters. This meeting will be a unique occasion for connecting students and scientists as well as academic researchers and industrial representatives. Abstracts for scientific contributions are kindly requested, both from academia and industry.

The meeting will take place at the Campus of the University of Vienna. The venue is ideal for fostering interactions among scientists of different fields and stimulating the exchange of ideas ensuring that the young participants are exposed to cutting edge inter-disciplinary research.

LISAvienna will be available at the ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2018. Are you interested in a personalized update on funding opportunities or in potential partners to grow your network? Please contact Jürgen Fuchs prior to the meeting and arrange an interview.

17.9. - 20.9.2018

Campus of the University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 2
1090 Vienna

ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2018 Website