EIT Health Flagship Calls provide great opportunities to advance your business - for details please read the information provided here:
- https://eithealth.eu/opportunity/call-for-activities-related-to-the-flagships/
- https://eithealth.eu/get-involved/events-and-opportunities/
Please join this info session on February 6 and don’t hesitate to reach out to gerda.achzet@eithealth.eu if you have any questions or if there is any support needed for the preparation of a (short) proposal. Simply attend the Teams meeting online!
Virtual matchmaking opportunities
Are you looking for consortium partners for a flagship project? EIT Health is organising online matchmakings this month to support your search for the right partner. Please join them, to increase the chance of successfully using the next flagship call. You can also present your project idea briefly in those sessions:
- February 14: Facilitating the uptake of digital medical devices and diagnostics
10 am to 11 am: Session for innovation projects
12 am to 1 pm: Session for education projects
- February 15: New models to deliver healthcare
10 am to 11 am: Session for innovation projects
12 am to 1 pm: Session for education projects
3 pm to 4 pm: Session for business creation projects
- February 16: Harnessing the full potential of health data for innovation
10 am to 11 am: Session for innovation projects
12 am to 1 pm: Session for education projects
Register here: https://eithealth.eventscase.com/attendance/event/index/38595/EN?step=login if you want to attend any of the online matchmaking sessions.
Please don’t hesitate to contact EIT Health Austria if you have any questions. As always, we invite you to use our collaboration room for your meetings with other partners or customers: simply reach out to austria.office@eithealth.eu to enquire about booking the room.
Additional information on EIT Health Austria is available here: https://eithealth.eu/in-your-region/austria/