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Two ERC Advanced Grants for research at Vienna BioCenter

Double-success for scientists at the Vienna BioCenter: as the European Research Council (ERC) announced today, it will support the research of Daniel Gerlich (IMBA) and Jan-Michael Peters (IMP).

In a press statement, the European Research Council (ERC) announced this year’s recipients of its most senior funding scheme, the ERC Advanced Grants. Among only eight percent of applicants that were selected are two from the Vienna BioCenter: IMP Scientific Director Jan-Michael Peters and IMBA’s Senior Scientist Daniel Gerlich. Both their projects will study the architecture and organisation of genomes.

The two grants raise the total number of grants that have been awarded to scientists at the Vienna BioCenter to 57, an exceptional achievement and testimony to the high academic standards of the campus.

Further Reading

Full list of ERC grants at the Vienna BioCenter

More on the project of Jan-Micheal Peters

More on the project of Daniel Gerlich

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