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Scarletred®Vision wins the Top Health Solution of the IÖB Call 2021

The national platform IÖB (public procurement promoting innovation) announced Austria’s top innovations. This year, the IÖB awarded SCARLETRED with Scarletred®Vision as a digital healthcare management solution.

The IÖB is an initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology. The goal is to connect innovation-friendly public clients and innovative companies digitally. Products or services are awarded the IÖB seal after an innovation dialogue, evaluation of the innovation degree, and applicability in the public sector by a jury of experts. The IÖB award ceremony for health care innovations from and for Austria took place on December 13, 2021, where the medical device software Scarletred®Vision was awarded as the top solution of the IÖB Call 2021 in the category Health. Via the mobile app, the innovative software can document, standardize and analyze disease progression and injection site reactions (ISRs)  with the help of a skin patch.

The award ceremony serves as an informative networking event with contributions from experts in the industry and science. SCARLETRED joins among other companies to demonstrate the future potential in health care and support management.

‍More information about the IÖB award ceremony and SCARLETRED as innovative digital health solution can be found on the homepage.

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