Artboard 11

enGenes Biotech to provide ECOnti update at ICB VI continuous biomanufacturing event

Recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) is returning to the 6th Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing (ICB VI) conference in the US eastern state of Virginia to highlight its progress towards continuous manufacturing of biotech products as part of the ECOnti Project.

enGenes will show the conference how its advanced protein, enzyme, and DNA production platforms such as -eXpress™, and -eXcite™, are playing significant roles in the progress towards continuous biologics production.

Continuous biologic production

As part of the ICB VI Session: ‘Breakthrough ICB technologies on the horizon’ that commences the conference’s final working day, enGenes CEO Dr. Jürgen Mairhofer will speak on “ECOnti – Advancing Integrated Continuous Manufacturing with Microbial Cells” (Wednesday October 23, 0950-1015 hrs.). His presentation will form an update on his similarly titled report to the 2022 ICB V Conference in Spain.

PhD student Florian Simon, a researcher at enGenes within the ECOnti project, will deliver a poster on its main technologies.

Enhanced expression platforms

Both the presentation and poster will highlight the significance of enGenes’ patented -eXcite™, technology for continuous two-stage manufacturing, as well as its proven -eXpress™ platform for boosting protein expression yields in E. coli.

ICB VI will hear more on the potential of the ECOnti Project from another consortium partner, Qubicon AG, whose CEO Dr. Wolfgang Sommeregger is also attending the conference.

Read more here:


enGenes Biotech GmbH
+43 1 9346707-0

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