Pharmig: Ausbau der Forschungsinfrastruktur höchst willkommen

Neue wissenschaftliche Institute verstärken Fokus auf Gesundheitsforschung. Davon kann Medikamentenentwicklung…

Austrian Business Agency meldet Rekord an Beratungen und internationalen Investitionen in 2023

Internationale Unternehmen investierten rund 1,4 Mrd. Euro in Österreich im Zuge von Betriebsansiedlungen und…

Uni Vienna: Immune system meets cancer: Checkpoint identified to fight solid tumors

Checkpoint PHDGH in tumor-associated macrophages influences immune response and tumor growth

Myllia Biotechnology joins NVIDIA Inception

Myllia Biotechnology today announced it has joined NVIDIA Inception, a program that nurtures startups revolutionizing…

Cellectric to move into new facilities at TwentyOne, Vienna

Cellectric has closed a contract with Bondi Consult, securing the life sciences start-up 1,800 square meters of space in…

vetmeduni Wien: Erstmals Leptospirose-Erreger in Österreich genetisch charakterisiert*

Eine Studie des Complexity Science Hub (CSH), der Vetmeduni und der Gesundheitsagentur AGES schafft mit der Untersuchung…

LBG and BMBWF present three new institutes in the field of health science

Excellent research in the fields of science communication and pandemic prevention, nanovesicular precision medicine and…

MedUni Vienna: How children learn to deal with their rare disease

Almost every school class has a child with one of around 8,000 rare diseases. The disease itself is not the only burden…

MedUni Vienna: Florian Krammer takes over professorship of infection medicine at MedUni Vienna

Florian Krammer will take up the Professorship of Infection Medicine (§98) at the Medical University of Vienna on 1…

MedUni Vienna project receives FFG spin-off fellowship

Funding for possible spin-off of the Safe Vascular Access Needle (SVAN)

MedUni Vienna: Eric Kandel receives the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold on Ribbon for Services to the Republic of Austria

Nobel laureate and honorary doctor of MedUni Vienna honoured by the Federal President

Uni Vienna: Global warming increases the diversity of active soil bacteria

New findings enable more accurate prediction of the carbon cycle